Friday, November 7, 2008

Pinched Nerve

I do not know how it happened but I know it feels horrible. About 4 days I woke up with a burning in my left shoulder and when I moved, sharp pains jolted me. I finally went to the Dr. a couple days ago and he gave me a cortisone shot which hurt pretty bad itself! Well, it’s day two after the shot and I’m still hurting. The burning sensation is gone but the sharp, piercing pain is there when I lift my arm. This is not a good time. I’m soooo behind on getting things uploaded for my Hidden Diamond group. I also started a big mess in my house trying to utilize the space I have. Me and my kiddos live in a 2bdr. duplex so that leaves only the living room for office space. As you can see from the picture below, it’s a mess! I finally got things cleaned up from IKE’s nasty mess, now I just have to reorganize my sewing area.