Monday, October 5, 2009

Pumpkin Pickin Time

By customer request from dear Shirley K., I've digitized a cute lil pumpkin. It's pieced all in ONE 5x7 hooping on the embroidery machine.

Chart's printed, fabric are gathered, now time to embroider!

Our stitching-n-flipping has begun. Press each piece neatly fusing to the stabilizer.

I added a leave and vines to give it added dimension.

Ta Da! It finishes 5".

One thing I found out while choosing fabrics is that I need a better selection of ORANGES! I just hate that I have to go buy more fabrics (big grin).

I just updated this post by adding the wall hanging below. Join my Yahoo Forum and download instructions on how to make this cute lil Fall Wall Hanging. I also include the text as a FREE DESIGN too!