Wow! The temperature here in Cincinnati is awesome compared to our hot, humid Texas days. The photo shoot is going great. Day one of 5 was successful. I was able to finish 5 of 21 projects. Tomorrow will go much faster now that everything is setup and organized. Thanks to my sister Sandy for her tidy organizational skills! We left Friday from Texas about 4am and set out to enjoy 2 days of vacation before a long week of work. We traveled through LA, MS, AL, TN, NC, VA, KY and now in OH. We enjoyed 2 nights nestled in the Smoky Mountains taking in all the beauty then traveled through the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. The views have to be as close to what heaven looks like. We even reached the end of the Cumberland Gap in Virginia on our way to Cincinnati. We traveled 1500+ miles since Friday and we have a little over a 1200 left to go home. We'll take a different route home just to get a few extra views in. Well I'm gone for now have a great evenin'.